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Maternity services

In partnership with our local midwives, we offer care during pregnancy (ante-natal care) and care after giving birth (post-natal care). We can also offer advice to people considering starting a family (pre-conceptual advice).

The practice is not directly involved in care during birth – this is arranged with the midwives and the hospital. Women are able to choose where they would like to give birth, including in hospital or at home. Your midwife will discuss these options with you.

Whooping cough vaccination

Whooping cough is a serious infection. New born babies are at the greatest risk because they cannot be protected against it at birth. However, if you get the whooping cough vaccine when you are pregnant the vaccine will pass on to your baby through the placenta. This is the safest way to protect your baby from whooping cough. Your baby will then have enough protection until they are old enough to have the vaccine themselves.

The vaccine is free, safe and very effective. You should have the vaccine between 28 and 38 weeks between 28 and 32 weeks is the ideal time.

If you have any questions or concerns about the vaccine please talk to your midwife.

To get the vaccine just make an appointment with the practice nurse.

Who will provide my antenatal care?

Community midwife

Your first appointment with the community midwife will be a short appointment to assess your needs. The midwife will then book you a longer appointment (called the ‘booking appointment’) which will be about an hour long and will include a discussion of the choices available to you, e.g. hospital or home birth. The midwife will organise tests and scans and will talk to you about how to keep yourself and your baby healthy.

You will then see the midwife regularly throughout your pregnancy. The frequency of your appointments will vary depending on the stage of pregnancy, but your midwife will advise you on this.

If you opt for a home birth then the community midwife may deliver your baby.

After birth, the midwife will visit you at home for about ten days, before handing over care to the health visitor.

St Mary’s Hospital

You will be invited to St Mary’s Hospital twice for scans and possibly for other tests if needed. If you choose a hospital delivery then that will also be in St Mary’s. Your GP or midwife may ask you to go to St Mary’s if there are any concerns or worries and you need further tests.


Your GP is available throughout and after your pregnancy if you are ill, worried or need advice.

Health visitor

The health visitor will take over care once you are discharged from the care of the midwife, about ten days after birth. They may also visit before your birth. Your health visitors will monitor your baby’s development and growth and offer you support. They are experts in child development and can offer lots of advice about health, parenting, feeding, sleeping, vaccinations, childhood illnesses, etc.