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You will be registered with a named GP but you can consult any member of the team and choose any GP to be your regular doctor.

Although the GPs work closely as a team, they can tailor care to your particular needs when they know more about you personally. This is particularly important if you have ongoing issues – make sure you ask the Patient Service Advisor to book you with the same GP.


  • Dr Karen McClay – Female GP
  • Dr Jennifer Singh – Female GP
  • Dr Zainab Suleman – Female GP
  • Dr Paul Jepson – Male GP
  • Dr Vidyavati Sajjan – Female GP

Physician Associates

  • Maham Ahmed – Female Physician associate

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is a GP?

A GP (general practitioner) is a fully qualified and experienced doctor who has undertaken specialist training to become a GP. GPs are experts in the management of a wide range of common illnesses and health problems. Where a GP feels that a patient’s problem requires even more specialist advice, they may refer them to hospital to see a doctor who specialises in just one area of medicine.

What is a GP Registrar?

A GP registrar is a fully qualified and experienced doctor who is undertaking supervised, specialist training to become a GP.

What is a Locum GP

A locum GP is a fully qualified GP who is standing in temporarily for one of our usual GPs who is away for some reason, or if we have a vacancy.

What is a Physician Associate

A physician associate (sometimes referred to as a PA) is a medically trained healthcare professional. They can diagnose, request investigations, and suggest treatments. They’re able to help with a wide range of conditions and will ask the Doctor for support if they need a prescription.

What is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner

A nurse practitioner is a specialist nurse who has completed additional qualifications to allow them to act in a similar way to doctors.

Related information

Doctor’s availability

Named GP