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We’re here to help with your wellbeing

We’ve all heard of the term wellbeing at one point or another, but what exactly is wellbeing and how do we manage or improve it?

This World Wellbeing Week, we wanted to share everything we know about wellbeing, and how we can help you to boost your own.

The dictionary describes wellbeing as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.” Simply put, wellbeing is about ‘how we are doing’ and is affected by everything in life, including your health, relationships, finances, environment and more. Whilst we wish it was a one-stop-shop, wellbeing is different for everyone. What works for you might not work for someone else.

We realise that although looking after your physical health plays an important part, there’s more than needs to be done to help you achieve good wellbeing. That’s where our Wellbeing Team come in! Here at New Bank Health Centre, we’re always here to support you and have a dedicated team on hand to help you with all thing’s wellbeing.

With the help of one of our friendly Wellbeing Co-ordinators, you will receive advice tailored to your needs, and targeted at the problems you need the most support with. This could be help connecting to others, advice on what is happening in your local community, help with navigating the health care system, offering non-medical support, reducing social isolation and focussing on what matters to you! Our Wellbeing co-ordinators will always strive to get you the help you need and work in partnership with many local organisations. If they don’t have the answers, they’ll direct you to someone who does!

The support doesn’t stop there though! We’re passionate about empowering patients to take control of their own wellbeing. With the help of our Wellbeing Team, you will be guided step by step through your own wellbeing journey and given helpful tips and tricks on how to keep improving your health and wellbeing for years to come.

If you feel you need the support of our fantastic Wellbeing Team, speak to your GP today to see if you are eligible.